The Limestone County School Board has taken a significant step towards keeping their students safe by voting to spend over $130,000 on installing smart sensors in high school bathrooms. These sensors detect the chemicals found in vapes, as well as THC particles, to discourage students from using e-cigarettes, or vapes, while on school premises.

Vaping Epidemic among Students

West Limestone High School Principal Russ Clevland expressed his concerns about the increasing use of vapes among students. He revealed that his school has confiscated over 200 of them in the last two years, and some students had serious reactions to these vapes.

According to Clevland, “This is a soaring epidemic that can put kids in harm’s way. It has. We have two that were almost non-responsive. For a ten-second part of their life was a part of a trial due to what they may not know is in it, or a friend coerces them into doing it. They may only do it one time.”

The school board is concerned about the potential dangers of vapes and has taken necessary measures to combat this issue.

The Need for Vape Detectors

Limestone County Schools Superintendent Dr. Randy Shearhouse stated that the cost of the sensors is worth it. When vapes first came out, everyone thought they were better than cigarettes because they were less harmful. However, the school board discovered that no one knows what’s in the vapes.

For the past two years, the district has been partnering with Danmark Technologies to test the sensors at West Limestone. The sensor is programmed to pick up certain chemicals or sounds, which are then communicated to school staff, providing a timestamp for when it detects the chemicals.

Ensuring Student Safety

The school board believes that the installation of vape detectors is necessary to keep students safe while on school premises. “This is just another step, and another way to defend our schools, and keep our students safe,” Shearhouse said.

By installing these sensors, the school board is not only preventing students from using vapes but also sending a clear message that the school is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of its students.


Limestone County Schools' decision to install vape detectors in high school bathrooms is a crucial step towards combating the use of vapes among students. The school board’s commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of its students is evident through this initiative. The installation of these sensors will discourage students from using vapes and send a clear message that the school board is taking necessary measures to keep students safe.



  1. How much did the Limestone County School Board spend on installing vape detectors in high school bathrooms? Ans. The Limestone County School Board spent over $130,000 to install smart sensors in high school bathrooms.
  2. What chemicals do these sensors detect? Ans. These sensors detect the chemicals found in vapes, as well as THC particles.
  3. Why did the Limestone County School Board decide to install vape detectors? Ans. The Limestone County School Board decided to install vape detectors to discourage students from using vapes and ensure their safety while on school premises.
  4. What message does the installation of vape detectors send to students? Ans. The installation of vape detectors sends a clear message that the school board is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of its students.
  5. How long has the district been partnering with Danmark Technologies to test the sensors at West Limestone? Ans. The district has been partnering with Danmark Technologies for the past two years to test the sensors at West Limestone.