In recent years, vaping has emerged as a popular alternative to traditional smoking. With its purported health benefits and the relative safety of e-cigarettes compared to traditional tobacco products, many smokers have embraced vaping as a tool to quit smoking. However, the anti-vape campaign in New Zealand has been gaining traction, with some questioning the motives behind it. In this article, we will explore the question of whether big pharma is driving the anti-vape agenda in New Zealand.

ARFNZ and RNZCGP: Two Key Players in the Anti-Vape Campaign ARFNZ (Action on Smoking and Health New Zealand) and RNZCGP (Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners) are two key players in the anti-vape campaign in New Zealand. Both organizations have been outspoken in their opposition to vaping and tobacco harm reduction (THR). Interestingly, it has been revealed that two key leaders in these organizations have received funds from big pharma.

The Impact of Big Pharma on the Anti-Vape Agenda

Nancy Loucas, Executive Coordinator of CAPHRA (Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates), has expressed concern that the health of New Zealand families may be compromised by big pharma’s influence on the anti-vape agenda. Loucas questions whether the latest disclosure of funds and gifts from big pharma to key leaders of ARFNZ and RNZCGP is a clue or a coincidence.

It is worth noting that pharmaceutical companies have a vested interest in promoting NRTs (Nicotine Replacement Therapy) such as nicotine patches and gum. If vaping were to replace traditional smoking as the primary method of nicotine delivery, it would represent a significant threat to the profits of big pharma.

ARFNZ: Public Scaremongering About Vaping

ARFNZ has been accused of scaremongering about vaping. Despite the fact that no Kiwi has reportedly died from vaping, ARFNZ continues to obsess about the most effective smoking cessation tool available. Its ongoing anti-vape campaign has not helped a single Kiwi quit tobacco and will not help New Zealand achieve Smokefree Aotearoa 2025.

RNZCGP: Urging Authorities to Make Vapes Prescription Only

Bryan Betty, president of RNZCGP, has urged New Zealand authorities to follow Australia’s lead in making vapes prescription-only. Betty claims that many vapes are high in nicotine, which is very addictive. He further asserts that vaping can worsen respiratory conditions such as asthma. Betty’s claims are not supported by scientific data, which indicates that switching from smoking to vaping can improve respiratory conditions.

Unscientific Claims by Betty

Betty has made several unscientific claims about vaping. For instance, he claims that vaping can increase the risk of deep vein thrombosis or blood clots in young women on oral contraceptives by three times. Betty’s assertions ignore the relative safety of vaping compared to traditional smoking and may be influenced by big pharma’s interest in promoting NRTs.

Conclusion The anti-vape campaign in New Zealand may be driven by big pharma’s interest in promoting NRTs. ARFNZ and RNZCGP, two key players in the campaign, have received funds from big pharma. The ongoing anti-vape campaign has not helped a single Kiwi quit tobacco, and its leaders have made unscientific claims about vaping. It is important to question the motives behind the anti-vape campaign and promote evidence-based policies that prioritize public health.


Q1. What is the anti-vape campaign in New Zealand?
A1. The anti-vape campaign in New Zealand is a movement that aims to discourage the use of e-cigarettes and vaping devices.

Q2. Who are the key players in the anti-vape campaign in New Zealand?
A2. ARFNZ (Action on Smoking and Health New Zealand) and RNZCGP (Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners) are two key players in the anti-vape campaign in New Zealand.

Q3. Why are some questioning the motives behind the anti-vape campaign in New Zealand?
A3. Some are questioning the motives behind the anti-vape campaign in New Zealand because it has been revealed that two key leaders in ARFNZ and RNZCGP have received funds from big pharma.

Q4. What are NRTs?
A4. NRTs (Nicotine Replacement Therapy) are products such as nicotine patches and gum that are designed to help smokers quit smoking.

Q5. Is vaping safer than smoking?
A5. Vaping is considered to be safer than smoking because it does not involve the combustion of tobacco, which produces harmful chemicals.