Electronic cigarettes, commonly known as vape pens, are a growing concern in our community, especially among children. Despite several measures to curb vaping in schools, the United Independent School District (UISD) in Texas continues to see a rising number of students bringing vape pens to school. This article delves into the issue, its severity, and what measures the school district is taking to address it.

The Extent of the Problem

In 2018, the Texas Association of School Boards reported that over 330,000 middle and high school students were vaping, representing 13% of all Texas students in grades six through 12. This statistic is alarming, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has called vaping an epidemic among teens. Additionally, the National Institute on drug abuse reported 7% of 8th graders vape marijuana.

Recent Incident at UISD

Last week, a student was arrested at United South Middle School in Laredo for bringing a THC vape pen to campus. The school district stated that this is a problem that is not going away. According to Officer Sylvia Abrego with the UISD Police Department, “Children think it’s an ‘in thing,’ so if one does it, everybody wants to follow along and do the same thing.” She further added, “It’s not as bad as when it first started, but it’s still a problem in our schools. At the middle school and at high school levels, we have at least one a day from different areas of the schools arrested for being in possession.”

Abrego emphasized that although both nicotine and THC vape pens may look the same on the outside, THC vape pens pose a greater threat to students. THC vape pens can put students under the influence as if they were smoking regular marijuana, which can significantly impact education and personal growth.

The possession of nicotine vape pens is prohibited on school grounds and for underage people. Possession of even one illegal THC vape pen can carry a punishment of up to 10 years in prison, according to the Texas Tribune. UISD says that students are subject to being prosecuted as young as 10 years old, and they are considered juveniles until the age of 16. Students 17 and above would go to the Webb County Jail if arrested.

UISD’s Response

According to UISD, possession of vape pens on school grounds results in administrative actions being taken against students. Additionally, the school district’s code of conduct states that a student may be placed in a disciplinary alternative education program if they possess vape pens.

UISD officials urge parents to speak to their children about the dangers of vaping and the consequences they can face if caught doing it on campus. Vape pens are designed to have fun and creative logos to appeal more to people under the age of 18, making it difficult for parents to identify them as vaping pens.


Vaping is a growing concern among teens and young adults. Despite the several measures taken by the school district and the government, the prevalence of vaping among students is still on the rise. The United Independent School District is continuously working towards creating awareness among parents and students about the dangers of vaping and the consequences they can face if caught doing it on campus.


  1. What is vaping? Vaping is the act of inhaling and exhaling the aerosol, often referred to as vapor, produced by an e-cigarette or similar device.

  2. Why is vaping a concern among teens and young adults? Vaping can have several negative health effects on young people, including damage to the lungs, increased heart rate, and risk of addiction.

  3. What are the legal consequences of vaping?

    Possession of nicotine vape pens is prohibited on school grounds and for underage people. Possession of even one illegal THC vape pen can carry a punishment of up to 10 years in prison, according to the Texas Tribune.

  4. What actions are taken by UISD against students found in possession of vape pens? According to UISD, possession of vape pens on school grounds results in administrative actions being taken against students. Additionally, the school district’s code of conduct states that a student may be placed in a disciplinary alternative education program if they possess vape pens.

  5. What can parents do to prevent their children from vaping? UISD officials urge parents to speak to their children about the dangers of vaping and the consequences they can face if caught doing it on campus. Parents can also educate themselves on the signs of vaping and monitor their children’s behavior and possessions for any signs of vaping.